Community Access Care Award Winners Are Grinners!
It brings us great joy to announce we are the 2022 Bundabarg Business Excellence Awards winners for the Community Organisation of the Year category!
We are passionate about breaking the stigma of disabilities and helping the Bundaberg disability community find their voice and confidence to engage with their beautiful community.
The continual positive feedback we receive during interactions with our Participants, their families, and the rest of the Bundaberg community remains the greatest affirmation of what Community Access Care does. But to receive this accolade is overwhelming in the best way.
The Business Excellence Awards are a celebration and showcase of regional Bundaberg’s businesses, celebrating the successes, new innovations and the region’s amazing business people.
Winning in the Community Organisation of the Year category is a great feeling, knowing all the great initiatives that exist in Bundaberg.
Our director Julie McCracken began Community Access Care with the sole focus of creating community engagement opportunities and encouraging independence for the disabled community. But what we have achieved in this short time has surpassed our hopes as disability service providers.
And we owe it all to our beautiful Community Access Care community.
Inclusivity and fun guide our team to provide Participants with the highest level of care, respect and encouragement we can. It is gratifying to see the impact we are making on the Bundaberg community through disability services.
We are so proud of how far we have come, with opening multiple locations in Queensland, and we do not plan on slowing down.
As we have said many times before, our success as a disability service provider would not be possible without the support of the local Bundaberg community, our amazing Community Access care team and wonderful Participants.
So, again, thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
We will continue to provide you with the disability services you deserve.
Get in touch with our friendly team, and we will assist you as soon as we can:
Phone: 1300 522 104
Email: [email protected]